Re-member your wholeness

Somatic trauma therapy

no matter what happened, when it happened, how devastating or trivial you think it is, you can heal your trauma. You can feel whole again.

You are a powerful, magical, wise, exquisitely complex, inherently divine being.

But when you’re neglected, violated, rejected, and abandoned, you learn that being and embodying your whole, authentic Self is unsafe, unlovable, unforgivable, too much, not enough…

To survive, you learn to separate from your Self, your body, your emotions, and your pain. But, you also separate from your gifts, power, essence, peace, and purpose.

I’m here to help you Re-member your wholeness – who you really are – and Re-connect with your Self again.

Using the Comprehensive Resource Model (CRM), you will create brain-body safety so you can orient towards, process, and liberate your Self from the intolerable pain that has been keeping you stuck and disconnected. On the journey, you’ll Re-Connect with your true Self and life again. You will discover that despite everything that’s happened, that you’re a whole, wondrous, worthy gift of divine light.


Trauma therapy can help you:

  • Go from insecure attachment and painful relational patterns to secure, attuned, loving connections.

  • Go from feeling powerless and small to being the Self-author of your life so you can make meaningful, aligned choices.

  • Go from debilitating anxiety and fear to having a regulated system and feeling safe, grounded, and calm in the world, and in your body.

  • Go from burdened people pleasing and care taking to having healthy boundaries and prioritizing your own needs and desires.

  • Go from feeling depressed, burnt out, numb, and chronically ill/in pain to feeling more alive, fortified, and joyous.

Trauma is the body’s natural, intelligent response to keep us safe. But it doesn’t have to be a life sentence.



trauma impacts our whole being, which is why i use an holistic approach, bridging modern neuroscience with the wisdom of ancient healing modalities.

  • Founded by Lisa Schwarz, M.Ed, CRM is a trauma treatment model that gets to the root of your symptoms. CRM involves creating layers of internal resources to facilitate body-brain safety. This safety allows you to stay present and embodied enough so you can orient towards, re-member, and process your traumas, without being re-traumatized. When you can feel and step into your pain fully, your trauma is released from your body, and your associating symptoms are no longer needed.

    CRM places emphasis on the “next” level of healing: accessing your true, authentic Self, higher consciousness, and personal expansion.

  • An evidence-based therapy that treats trauma-related symptoms and emotional distress. When you experience trauma, your brain processes and stores memories incorrectly. This incorrect storage can lead to past memories feeling very present.

    EMDR corrects this mis-storage, using ‘bilateral stimulation,’ so the painful memories associated with the trauma lose their charge. You can respond to present stimuli, without the past interfering.

  • A therapeutic model that views humans as having multiple parts, and that underlying them is a person's Self. When we experience trauma, wounded parts of us can become exiled, overprotective, or suppressed, causing us to feel stuck and disconnected from our true Self.

    IFS works to unburden our wounded parts and reestablish healthy connection with the Self, so that wholeness and health is restored.

  • A body-based approach to healing that focuses on developing self-regulation skills, fostering an internal sense of safety, restoring nervous system balance, and reconnecting you with your body's inherent wisdom.

    Instead of focusing on the past, somatic therapy explores how trauma is manifesting in the body in the present moment. It can help you shift old patterns and develop new neural pathways that provide more skillful ways of engaging with your environment, your Self, and life.

  • Transpersonal translates to “beyond” (trans) “the Self” (personal). It offers a holistic approach to healing, addressing all domains of Self (mind-body-spirit) and beyond, including community, ecosystems, the world, the universe, and spiritual dimensions.

    Transpersonal therapy places emphasis on non-ordinary states of consciousness (NOSC), and its role in transformation, healing, and integration. Such experiences can cause perceptual shifts in world- and Self- view, accompanied by emotions and sensations like awe, wonder, interconnectedness, joy, unity, and peace. This different vantage point can offer profound insights into the Self, the human experience, and the sacred.

    Transpersonal practices I incorporate include: CRM, breath work, sacred geometry, toning, energy work, spiritual Re-Sources, intuition/psychic communication; past life/ancestral Re-Sources & Ketamine-Assisted Psychotherapy.

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  • A practice and state of active, open attention to the present, including one’s thoughts, emotions, sensations, processes, and experiences. It is a practice of observing one’s inner and outer worlds with a quality of non-judgement, compassion, curiosity, and openness, without judging something as good or bad.

    Befriending our internal experiences through mindfulness can result in lower stress levels, decreased pain, and reduced anxiety and depression.

    Mindfulness practices I incorporate include: meditation, guided imagery/visualization, nature-based therapy, and breath work.


the healing journey

1. resourcE

Healing from the impact of trauma requires that there is sufficient safety. Together, we’ll take the time and space to foster safety in both our therapeutic relationship, and in your bran-body, via attunement and a series of specialized grounding techniques. By connecting to your internal resources, you’ll gradually feel an increased capacity to turn towards and access the root of your traumas.

2. Re-member

With compassion and curiosity, we’ll begin to dive into your inner world and uncover the root of your traumas – what has been hidden, buried, suppressed and keeping you stuck. Using effective, leading trauma therapies, I will support you in orienting towards, Re-membering, and releasing traumatic material from your system, so you can heal from your past, resolve your symptoms, and step in the wholeness of your Self.

3. re-connect

I place emphasis on the “next-level” of healing: clearing away traumatic residue so you can Re-connect with higher consciousness, personal expansion, and your true, authentic Self – the essence of you that hasn’t been touched by trauma. With a heart-centered approach, I’ll guide you in Re-membering who you really are and to learn to embody you true, authentic Self in your daily life.